Nov 17, 2011


  1. Can you feel it? Can you feel the pull of the price chasing urge? Oil tagged and bagged the $103 dollar bug marker last night.

  2. Oil is now up 37% and $28 from the $75 "it's all over" low point. Do you see why you need to use professional buy increments? Oil is on the road to my next HSR profit-booking point near $106.  That doesn't change the fact that the $98 area was a solid profit booking point.

  3. For those who think $100 buy increments on gold are too wide, please ask those who bottomed called nat gas with what seemed to be widely spaced increments, at a price area that is now revealed as a high priced plop zone,... ask them to give you a word of "experienced" advice, on the matter of whether $100 gold price buy increments might be too large or not....

  4. The banksters convinced Elmer Fudd Pubic Idiot that the government should be boss, not him. The stupid public then let the Gman run wild with power. The nature of current government is the nature of a demon let out of a cage.

  5. A 100% tax rate can't even cover this year's deficit. The Gman will turn very very mean when he realizes he can't bleed the taxpaying stone any more, even with maximum law.

  6. The public has unleashed a horrific demon, and Jim Rogers is already saying the next recession that he forecasts in 2012-2013 will be much worse than the 2008 situation. Can you even imagine the behaviour of the Gman if that happens?

  7. My standing prediction that Elmer Fudd Public Investor will first go to the breadline, and then the suicide line in many cases, is unchanged.

  8. My gold is both vaulted and buried in different locations thousands of miles apart. I hold no leveraged gold.

  9. I told you that many of your heroes would be financially exterminated, as gold moves higher. As the crisis accelerates. Gerald Celente is the latest casualty of the punisher's actions.

  10. Apparently Gerald thinks his gold was "confiscated" by MF Global. Whatever happened, it's GONE. That's why you must diversify your types of holding facilities for your gold,just as you diversify your price entry points.

  11. What is clear is this: While many futures positions were transferred from MFG to other brokers for MFG clients, not all their cash was transferred, so players who ironically had no margin calls with MFG suddenly were being force liquidated at their new brokers, because they couldn't get the cash from elsewhere!

  12. There will be many more of your gold community heroes destroyed, by using huge leverage and being quiet about it, then being obliterated by the punisher, as this crisis rolls on. The number of prisoners the gold punisher will take in this crisis is: zero. Just because you are a fan of gold doesn't mean you are immune to the punisher's wrath.

  13. I don't think most are taking seriously the fact that the banksters are financial executioners, who understand gold. The banksters are steadily exterminating the leveraged traders. In a greed-based market, leverage works in the blowoff phase to build huge dollar profits.

  14. In a fear-based market, where leverage is the item targeted for devaluation, as it is in this one, only an idiot puts themselves into the targeted item. Especially in size. Leveraged debt is the main item targeted by the banksters in this crisis. It doesn't matter what type of debt it is; it's all targeted.

  15. If you hold leverage, keep sending your broker money until you are unleveraged. Or, Pgen out of your positions at profits until you are unleveraged. Better, do both. End of tactical story.

  16. If there were a confiscation of gold, would I personally hand in my gold? Absolutely. I have the highest respect for the Gman. I have my entire horde of 3 ounces ready, and I hereby promise to hand all 3 ounces to the Gman, the second he announces his confiscation. I think I deserve an advance award, for my stellar compliance.

  17. More seriously, I don't see the benefit to the Gman of a gold confiscation. It would only alarm the public, who have little to zero gold anyways, so there's nothing to confiscate.  

  18. A confiscation of bonds would be vastly more effective. I don't think confiscation of bonds and bank accounts is coming, but control of them is very possible.

  19. The Gman may turn bank accounts into a sort of wet noodle annuity. All the Fudds would line up weekly for their annuity payout, determined by the Gman and controlled by the banksters. Fudd knows it can't happen, just like he knew gold was a bad investment at $250.

  20. QE was about weekly and daily purchases of Gman bonds with photocopied dollars. The point is: consistent buying. Gold revaluation has the highest likelihood of proceeding the same way, via central bank consistent buying, rather than a one-time confiscation and then "super reval".

  21. The public still blames the banksters for the crisis. They think the Gman is some sort of superhero. The banksters did create the crisis, but as the bookie, not the addicted gambler.

  22. The pension funds, insurance companies, corporate risk management departments, mortgage companies, and govt agencies and govt itself were the buyers of the leveraged quadrillion dollars of OTC derivatives, and they knew EXACTLY what they were buying, and are despicable liars now, about what they knew, and what they did.

  23. The banksters are leading the public to the financial gas chamber, and they are in it now, but the door is still open. Wild actions like one-time gold reval could upset their two-faced plans, as the public could suddenly "wake up".

  24. In keeping with making China their new HQ, the "death of a thousand mini dollar devaluation cuts", is their mode of operation in the gold revaluation arena.


Gridtime! I hope some of you rang the cash register on the uranium power move. I posted a video on most of the big HSR lines for the seniors sixpack porftfolio of Agnico, Anglo, Barrick, Goldcorp, Kinross, and Newmont, and I'll do the same for commodities now. Remember, there's nothing to be afraid of looking at "lines of action" that go to zero. Patience is what takes you to the next buy or sell point. Patience the biggest leverage there is!  



